Saturday 7 June 2008



Why Shelter Box? It was a unanimous decision of the Liskerrett Dupath Lodge that the chosen charity for 2007 was Shelterbox because the AID goes DIRECTLY to the people affected by the disaster and NOT to government agencies. The recent disasters to strike Borneo and China are good examples.

It was also decided that our donation of £350.00 was GIFT AIDED to Shelterbox because Shelterbox could then claw back UK tax of £98.00 thus our donation was, in real terms, swelled to £448.00.

5,000,000 people homeless in China. Friday 16th May: ShelterBox has made an initial commitment of 400 boxes to assist the earthquake victims in China. Boxes will be channeled in through Hong Kong and Beijing Rotary Clubs and the China Charity Federation. The boxes are destined for Chengdu City in the Sichuan Province. Tuesday 20th May - China: Two SRT's Pat Prendergast (Swindon) and Tom Lay (Somerset) are now on their way from Beijing to Chengdu, they will meet with one other international SRT member Peter Clouting (Aus), they are travelling into a disaster area the size of Spain.

Two-hundred aid boxes from Cornwall are on their way to Burma to help with the relief effort after a cyclone caused widespread devastation. A team of four people is also flying out from the charity ShelterBox to oversee the distribution of the emergency shelter kits. Another 1,000 boxes are expected to be packed in Helston during the week. Up to 22,000 people are believed to have died in the disaster and many more are missing. Hundreds of thousands of people are said to be without clean water and shelter, with some areas still cut off after the cyclone hit on Saturday. ShelterBox distributes tough, green plastic boxes containing a 10-person tent and enough equipment to house a large family for at least six months.


Our charity for 2008 has not yet been decided but will be notified later.

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